“The anemometer and the wind-vane are a little more than a toy and I wonder how long they will last once exposed continuously to strong sun and wind (my case). In case I will post an update in a year from now. The Enviro Weather board does come with a noticeable amount of software and it's a very good source for learning about a variety of things, from Micropython itself to managing various sensors and multiple ways of sending the gathered data through the internet. However, the board itself is not the best for the BME280. Even if there is a provision to compensate for heating due to powering through USB, the temperature reading is not accurate and also dependent on the case in which one places the Enviro Weather because of its self-heating. At the end, I decided to go for a Pi Pico W and a BME280 tiny breakout module kept away from the Pi Pico W. Interfacing the anemometer and the wind-vane was easy, an RJ11 connector was enough. I would recommend to add, in the SW, a way to compensate the altitude of the location where the meteo-station will be placed, so that the atmospheric pressure is normalized with respect to the sea level”
“The kit is great and has all the things you need in one package - sadly the Enviro board is basically not ready for use. It's clearly still in Alpha and a quick look at the github page shows the long long list of issues. People are working hard on it - BUT it is being sold as a product, it's a product that doesn't work (yet) - I bought at V0.0.8. Spent 2 months of fiddling, flashing new firmware testing, changing batteries, looking at log files, searching the forums etc etc - all I wanted to do was record the weather.
If you like tinkering with software and don't need it to work, its fine.
Otherwise wait till the software works, sad to write this, Hayley at the shop offered a full refund but like I said the equipment of the weather vain etc I will reuse with a raspberry pi weather station.”
“The system is great. I had a slight hiccup with it at first, but it just needed updating - PIMORONI staff were very helpful and talked me through the process.”
“The kit is good but there is a flaw with the sample code. The rain Sensor stops the kit from sending data and you have to manually press a button on it get it to start again (every time it rains). Does not look like the example code is actively maintained as no update since September (currently November) as can see someone originally flagged it as an issue in September . I would hold off until there is a fix for this as tried to change it myself and got very strange behaviour. If you are not worried about rain reading then would recommend.”