“I first bought this board to explore its amazing power compared to other microcontrollers. And it's cheap! The Synthio library for Circuitpython combined with the RP2040 makes it simple and easy to quickly build small synthesizers with MIDI. This processor will only become more and more useful as development continues for it.”
“Many times you don't need 100 GPIO pins for a project, but maybe a little more CPU power helps... This board is great for that, and with 7 MB of Flash file system it is hard to run out of space for microPython modules!”
“Really nice little device. Ordered 2 and one of them failed to reboot with the circuitpython uf2 file but using flash_nuke (twice in a row) sorted it out and both have been running like a charm. Using them to control ws2812 LED strips”
“Love these little guys. I mainly use them because unlike the Pi, these have 2x I2C interfaces for reading data from sensors with the same address. Small and multipurpose, I will be using these 2 for toying with LoRA.”