“Really handy way of making a longer term prototype to solder one or more connections to pins, it pairs well with a set of pre cut wire lengths for routing across the board or the very short unsheathed wire lengths to bridge from the pins to the centrol holes. With appropriate headers like stacking headers, it can reduce the prototyping space to a much smaller footprint, or for the less complex project, a finished item that just needs a simple box around it.”
“The board is fine and works well but i would have liked that the extra rows of pin holes be on the outside of the pico w not the inside.
Other than that a really great board.”
“A handy and economical way of neatly adding some electronic components to a Pico stack. I'm using one with a pair of Pico Stacking Headers. My only criticism is that groups of pads are interconnected, which makes it difficult to add an IC. It can be achieved with land cutting with a scalpel, but I don't see how the interconnections really help for such a small board.”
“The quality of the British made PCBs is impressive, much better than the Chinese ones, just like in the old days! If you are not afraid of soldering, or wire wrap, these Hats are perfect for developing very personal projects, very quickly.”