“Let's cut it short. The hardware is way to cool not to have it! Then again the missing documentation is a horror. Once there is a good manual available this item will rock the community! Till then it is just an average piece of equipment.”
“If you'd rather make your own circuitry to convert your Raspberry Pi pico into an EVM, you can save yourself a lot of time by buying this without telling anyone.
Super Easy Tutorial
I used a Windows 10 PC to check the operation.
1: Install Thonny on your PC.
2: Connect Pico to PC via USB and install FW.
3: Rename the demo program from Thonny to main.py and save (write) it to Pico.
4: Solder the pin header to Pico and connect Pico to Pico Explorer Base.
5: Connect an AC adapter with an appropriate USB micro connector to Pico and supply DC5V. Now, but if the program starts, you're good to go!
Good Luck!!”
“A great value for the money.
And it's easy to get started using this with the provided software and examples.
So far it has exceeded my expectations.”
“A great board for testing the Raspberry Pico with your own circuits. It comes with a small breadboard and two breakout ports. It has a display including 4 buttons. It is very easy to use and a lot of self-explaining example programs are provided both für C/C++ and MicroPython”