Works very well and very easy to set up in picoreplayer. Sound quality is ecellent.
Note: I tried to fit a 3.5" LCD but found GPIO conflicts which could only be resolved by remapping the screen and rewiring. So in that respect my anticipated project failed, best to go for a DSI interface screen in that case”
“Just pushed the shim to my RaspBerry Pi3 and installed Volumio audio streaming distribution. After setting my I2S DAC: "ON" and setting DAC Model: as "HifiBerry DAC" audio was getting out. As far as can hear the audio quality is top notch. I streamed same lossless audio files as I had ripped from CD and played the same CD in another input to my receiver and switched back and forth. I could not hear any difference. When just listening to the background noise of both CD player and DAC SHIM (no audio playing and volume set top "11", the DAC SHIM was actually at least 5 dB quieter than my Pioneer Super Audio-CD player..”
“Slip the shim over the GPIO header and add the overlay parameter to config.txt and it works.
Until now I have used the plug-in DAC board that prevents further use of the GPIO and adds to the overall height, but at a very reasonable price for the performance. This shim fits inside a standard case and allows GPIO access without loss of audio performance. The only drawback is that a hole must be drilled in the case for the Line Out socket.
All this performance, flexibility and convenience at a great price.”
“I am using a sandwich of RPIZERO, AUDIOSHIM and Pirateaudio running on volumio OS V3.616 as a music streaming interradio device. A nice small package which can play music from all over the world
Carl Blyh in Helsinki”