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HAT Hacker HAT Reviews

4.9 Rating 13 Reviews
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Mathias Peyre
Verified Reviewer
Un accessoire INDISPENSABLE si vous voulez utiliser plusieurs module sur les GPIO de vos Raspi ! Je l'utilise personnellement pour coupler un Écran a un Enviro Phat pour un montage domotique et j'en suis super satisfait ! Fini les bricolages à base de câbles et de faux contact ! Je le recommande les yeux fermés :D
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Posted 4 years ago
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Posted 4 years ago
Iacopo Cheli
Verified Reviewer
Non ho ancora avuto modo di testarlo pienamente, ma direi che la sua funzionalità e innegabile; potendo sfruttare, con un solo innesto, ben due gpio senza ammattire con varie saldature ed altro! Ottimo per i progetti!!
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Posted 4 years ago
Andy Warburton
Verified Reviewer
Great idea. I've had a couple of hats sitting on a Black Hat Hacker, mounted on a Pi 3b+ for over a year now and the fact that I had the long cable running from the Pi to the Hacker always bothered me. The second this hat was released I "hat" to have it. and now I have a much sleeker more compact set up which looks loads tidier.
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Posted 4 years ago
HATs that offer multiple sets of GPIO (often called expansion boards) have been around for a while now—and I've used them all! Most have three sets of pins. Some even have four. But this is the first with only two. Why is less more? Because it's designed to fit two pHATs side by side and utilize all the screw holes. The other HATs can only achieve a side-by-side arrangement of pHATS by having one of them cantilevered off the side, and both held down with only two screws instead of four. It's really a no-brainer product. I'm just amazed it took this long to materialize. My only concern is that the HAT's footprint is slightly cantilevered near the screws opposite the Pi's GPIO. This was certainly a deliberate design choice to provide some wiggle room, although I'm not sure what the scenarios are. The end result is that it may not fit in some "extra height" Pi cases.
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Posted 4 years ago