“Ordered a Picade console as an Xmas present. A very nicely put together bit of kit. It all Went together well until I discovered some of the small screws were missing. No great hardship, but a quick email had a fresh pack of screws landing on the doormat the following day.
All in all a great product and a great example of customer service
Gary Coupland”
“The console is great! My only complaint is there weren’t any instructions to assemble it with the newest raspberry pi, so I had to do a lot of research and guessing to get it set up with the raspberry pi.”
“The Picade Console is a smart, well-crafted kit with high-quality parts. I found the assembly instructions to be a bit lacking but no problem for an experienced kit-builder with a familiarity with the Raspberry Pi. Overall, I am quite pleased with the results and would highly recommend this kit for anyone who really enjoys retro-gaming. However, I do recommend adding a 2-port USB hub such as ASIN: B005HKIDF2 and a short Ethernet patch cable with a coupler. There are nice little openings in the back of the Picade Console to allow these extensions to neatly egress from the Pi board outside the console for attachment of a keyboard (very handy for MAME games) and/or extra gamepad(s) plus a hard-wired Ethernet connection where Wi-Fi might be not available, inconvenient or too slow for your liking. I love this product and find it also to be a good value for the price.”
“My 12 y.o. son assembled this with little assistance from me, following the supplied instructions. He had it up and running in a few hours with RetroPie running for some old school arcade fun.
Very well made and great value for money.”