“Excellent little device. I am amazed at how good the sound is and how crisp the little display is.
Configured and installed everything as per instructions. One small recommandation. On the website it says "The buttons are active low, and connected to pins BCM 5, 6, 16, and 20".
The last one, BCM20, needs to be changed to 24 in /etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf and the Volume UP will work.”
“Interesting bit of kit.
Installation was easy, except for the missing mopidy local in the installer.
Easily fixed with:
sudo apt-get install mopidy-local”
“Product physically appears to be of good quality...however, the installation instructions and documenation are wrong and do not work. Its impossible to see if the product actually functions as advertised.
It appears that users on the forums are slowly piecing together how to make this work, but no one has gotten it to work fully (that I have found yet).”
“Great little clear, crisp screen in pHAT format with 4 nice buttons and low/high gain selection audio out with volume control.
I prefer the Moodeaudio based alternative https://github.com/rusconi/tft-cover to Pimoroni's Spotify Premium Mopidy streaming setup.”