“Superb bright and consistent display. Works great with weather.py from the breakout garden python library examples folder, if you have the weather sensor breakout too.”
“Works as expected. I use it as an output screen for various tiny2040 projects. Since it ts about the same size, it fits in the same space confined applications. Screen is small but bright enough.”
“Great little display. Bought two but one had some ghosting, but Pimoroni were very good about replacing it. I had a bit of difficulty get the first display to work, but it turned out to be a poor ground connection; I was surprised that it worked at all without ground.”
“Inexperienced user here. Initial experiments of Raspberry Pi 400 Breakout Garden with SPI mono OLED were successful, but needed to load libraries manually for SPI. Was able to do nearly every demo in folder. Had to Google and tinker for an hour before I figured it out, but it can be done even by a rookie old man who grew up with TIN and ELM. And graphics are stunning in contrast and fluidity. At least to my eye.”