“Works great. I enabled I2Con the Pi, plugged the BME280 into the breakout garden I purchased at the same time, installed the necessary pyton library using the provided script, and opened one of the example python scripts provided. Bingo; I now have a humidity and pressure sensor running in my kitchen, and as it's on my wifi, I can vnc in from my phone at any time to check the readings. I did initially have the temperature sensor running too, but as it's so close to the pi, which is running at 40+ c, the readout is skewed, so I turned it off. But that's not aproblem with the sensor hardware.”
“I have several of these, which I use with Arduno IoT to monitor conditions remotely. They are easy to set up and use, reliable and agree to within about 0.5 C when exposed to the same conditions.”
“I'm learning micro python so at first I had problems to have it reading data, but after a few tries it worked. I noticed that the first sensor read has the pressure and temperature incorrect and it must be discharged. The second read give the data correctly.”