“Great bit of kit - does what it says. However, might be useful just to confirm which way around the board goes if using anything other than a Pi Zero. Also a bit disappointed that the gas sensor needs to settle down to give accurate readings - was planning to add its data to my weather station with readings every 5 seconds not 0.5 of a second. Look forward to getting the particulate sensor and some tips on a water proof housing!”
“Great little sensor board. I had a slight problem getting the PM sensor to connect but this was soon sorted with some excellent help from Pimoroni Support.”
“Love the Enviro+, great build quality. My only complaint is I can't find a great way to properly mount it on to the Pi versus just plugged directly via the pins. As of the time when I bought it there wasn't a great solution.”
“Works well but plugging it straight into the Pi Zero definitely boosted the temperature reading and the compensation for this in the provided software didn't really work. I ended up using a GPIO extesion cable to get 10cm separation between the Pi and the Enviro+ and then the raw temperature reading from the Enviro+ was pretty accurate”