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Enviro for Raspberry Pi Enviro + Air Quality Reviews

4.7 Rating 115 Reviews
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So far, it is an awesome product. I really want to build this into my home and may add more of these. I am putting the first one in my office area. It is cool and damp. I have purchased a sensor module so I can keep an eye on the air quality and other things in the air.
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Posted 3 months ago
David Freeman
Verified Reviewer
Had a great time with this project. The library of possibilities seems endless with the enviro+ with the raspberry pi. And thank you Pimoroni for very precise and easy to read setup instructions on the website. Great work!
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Posted 4 months ago
Problematic if you want accurate humidity (accuracy impacted by pi related heat) but adorable in every other way.
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Posted 6 months ago
Fred Vermeer
Verified Reviewer
This unit works as adverized and ie easy to install
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Posted 7 months ago
Simply couldn't get this to work on Bookworm which was disappointing. However, once I installed Bullseye things improved drastically. Managed to get all the appropriate examples working and it has been chugging away now for days logging data. The temperature sensor isn't positioned that well as it appears to pick up the heat from the CPU but for my use that is not an issue. The range of the proximity aspects of the light sensor is a little disappointing - I was hoping to use it as a PIR but that isn't going to be possible
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Posted 11 months ago
Aleksandar Dimitrov
Verified Reviewer
I was very excited about this products as I wanted to dip my fingers in the RPi world while also monitoring the air quality in my room after buying an air purifier. At first I was amazed by this little thing, lots of examples provided so I didn't have to dig around to find code examples for all of the sensors. Well all of that would have been nice but I found some of the examples didn't work out of the box. Not a huge pain as I found github issues describing the problem but it would have been nice if those were fixed. Now let's talk about the data - in terms of the pm particles sensors, it seems to be working fine. Turning off my purifier results in higher numbers while turning it on full power lowers the numbers significantly. Also tested it with a candle next to the sensor and I don't think I'll ever light a candle in my room. Sadly, the much simpler (I would assume) sensor for temperature is all over the place. First of all, the different examples use a different compensation value so you will get different reading on them. You might wonder why there even is a compensation value. Well that's to accommodate for the heat generated by the chip. It makes sense, however, it doesn't account for the heat generated by the RPi it's connected to. Due to the temperature being off, pressure and humidity also take a hit as they rely on the temperature. After more research I found that I need to get a GPIO extender cable to isolate the heat from the RPi. Not a huge problem as they cost £5-6 but I am annoyed that this wasn't mentioned anywhere in the product page. With the cables being as cheap as they are I would have just included one with the package or at least warned about it since now I have to put another order through and pay for the delivery. In conclusion, a very cool product with lots of potential but sadly won't work out of the box and you will need to buy more items for it to work properly.
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Posted 1 year ago
Very high quality and hackable Raspberry Pi HAT.
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Posted 1 year ago
Easy set up. The display is small but helpful for monitoring and getting set. Lots of code examples to get started, and a few others on GitHub. Some needed updating.
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Posted 1 year ago