“Great product. Now I want to design/build a corresponding power source that fits nicely with the casing (snapon or somesuch). Searched Thingiverse, didn't find anything quite appropriate, may go to TinkerCAD or OpenSCAD to develop a "battery pack" of some sort, most likely for a LIPO battery.”
“An amazing display for the money! I did the impatient thing - got my Pi ZeroW, plugged on the display, fired it up, logged in using SSH, downloaded the software. VOILA! It works. The slowness of these displays takes a bit of getting used to when developing but they are very very low power consumption - that is the payoff!
For a small pond level project I have arranged a small CMOS time switch to power up the PiZero once every 20 minutes. The PiZero takes a water level reading, sends an MQTT message using WiFi, updates the display and then powers itself off. The good news is the display is persistent so I can read it at anytime. Also, the power budget for this budget is better than ever now.”
“A decent phat, well packaged and with a good python library and examples to get it up and running quickly.
The “yellow” is perhaps more a brown than a yellow; maybe the driver brings the black up a little much as it’s making its final pass, leaving it slightly dark. Otherwise this is ideal for an unobtrusive display and a breeze to get started.”
“This is a great little display for the price. I got the yellow one (red was out of stock).
As other reviews have mentioned, it's more of a gold than a vibrant yellow. The yellow against white or black is obviously lower contrast than white/black, which along with the fact it isn't much more vibrant means that it's not that easy to draw attention to a particular part of the display by using the yellow. Having said that, it's really cool to have a non-monochrome e-ink display to play with, and the third colour does let you add some nice touches that would be difficult otherwise.
It fits very neatly onto my Pi Zero WH (it's basically the same size so it combines into a neat package). The setup tutorial was good and there's examples to play with. The API documentation could do with some work - I ended up just reading the source code to work out what methods I could call. The built in fonts are pretty terrible IMO but luckily you can easily load in any .ttf file and there are plenty of decent bitmap style fonts to be found online.
The main downside is the slow screen refresh - it takes about 15 seconds to draw the screen. I was hoping that the black/white would come in fairly fast, and it would just be the yellow elements that took a while, but in fact the whole screen flickers for about 10-12 seconds, and then the black and white comes in a couple of seconds before the yellow does. This is fine, but it does mean there's about 10-12 seconds when the screen is displaying nothing at all during a refresh.
Again, these limitations are set against a very neat display with a very reasonable price, and I'm still very happy with it.”
“Such a fun little display, quick to set up and really easy to begin talking to it using the supplied Python library. It's not the fastest display, taking maybe 10-15secs to refresh, but the lack of "glow" and high legibility and viewing angle makes it great for my use. Be aware that the yellow isn't a bright yellow, it's more of a gold colour. It's useful to add tonality and variation to text and show data like graphs, labels etc, but it's not "brighter" than using white text on a black background, it won't be more visible at a distance etc.”