“How satisfying! I got this kit of parts to make a BBC Springwatch camera trap and although I was a bit worried about downloading the software onto the memory chip, it was all very easy and it worked first time! The kit arrived quickly and has provided a LOT of fun for £35. FAB!”
“My kit came by return post after ordering. I did experience some difficulties when trying to flash the micro SD card. The problem was my card reader. I bought a new reader that is just for micro SD cards and all was well. After construction the camera quickly reached its ready state. I had a problem with connecting the camera to Wi-fi. There seemed to be trouble with entering the identity of the camera when trying to authenticate the connectionusing the default name and password. I tried again using a Widows 10 tablet Which asked me for the password only. Then all was well. Everything worked. I re-tried on my main PC again just using the password. The camera then connected to the Wi-fi and I was able to get and see some pictures of my hand waving about. My next task is to construct the camera housing. I recommend this kit.”
“This is a great little kit with everything you need to get a camera up and running ... except a power supply (you need a USB charger or battery pack) and the MyNatureWatch software. You don't actually need the Raspberry Noobs operating system supplied on the SD card. Unless you can manage to download the individual components yourself without the aid of any instructions, then you will need to download the SD card image from the link included in the instructions - this will overwrite anything on the SD card you have. This is the quickest and easiest way to get up and running.”
“Excellent service delivered next day, sett camera up as per instructions works perfectly brilliant close up photos taken of birds in garden bird bath will definitely order from Pimoroni again.”