“A great little project and really fun to use. Took me a few minutes to assemble, maybe an hour to download and write the new flash image.
Couldn't wait to get it working in the garden and immediately I got a lovely picture of goldcrests bathing in my pond. Fast delivery too Ando in a postbox friendly box. Only downside was the use of two jiffy bags and one cardboard mailer.”
“Very good customer service, had a small problem, but was sorted very quickly and I was kept informed from the start. A lot more companies need to follow how Pimoroni deal with customers. Many thanks to Matt for keeping me informed and sorting my issue.”
“Was not sure about this as never put together anything like it before and wondered if it would actually work. Followed the instructions which were pretty straight forward and it worked first time. Very pleased with it.”
“It arrived so quickly but I have hung it all together, grabbed the bits n pieces ... and it is working really well.
Now working on bullet-proof e closure ... the local poacher has already shot at it!!!!”