“A bit overpriced in comparison of most other BME680 sensors available online but with this one, you're sure it's working with the Adafruit libraries.
I had this issue when buying 2 BME280 sensors from China, one of the two was actually a BMP280 in stead of BME280 so, it couldn't work with the library even if written on the article description as compatible.”
“Just made an office air quality sensor, together with a Displayotron HAT! A lot of measurement options, but it is still quite small and mobile - I can put it far from heat sources.”
“Doing a project with my cohort using this board - we can't get our heads around the size of the sensor itself! Brilliant kit. I find the temperature is +10.5 over ambient but this is to be expected given the adjacent gas sensor heats to 350 degrees every second.”
“Worked first time using the example files provided by Pimoroni. I noticed right away that heat from the Pi board does begin to affect the temperature sensor plugged into the Garden HAT, so I have ordered a GPIO extension cable to play around with that”