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enviro:bit Reviews

4.9 Rating 9 Reviews
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Great device, well build, plug and play. The accompanying libraries make it very easy to write code, and change the micro:bit to a device allowing sound, light, color, atmospheric pressure, humidity and temperature (all checked). So one can build a compact and stable multiparameter measure tool in one click, no cables, breadboards, soldering required. You can start to perform measurements as soon as you uploaded the code to the micro:bit, and you can use the LED matrix to display the results, in a graphic mode or as numerical values. Please find a first example, color and brightness measurements, as an instructable including the script here: https://www.instructables.com/id/Light-and-Color-Measurement-With-the-Pimoroni-Envi/ , more will follow. Regards from Berlin H
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Posted 6 years ago