“W00t! Got this today and after some finagling around on the command line I finally got this working on Kali Linux (which the install script says isn't supported).
Very pretty lights, which will soon be used to indicate Kali network scanning info :-)
BTW, getting it working on Kali wasn't too hard, rough summary was:
1. enable i2c via some edits to /etc/modules and /boot/config.txt (if "sudo i2cdetect -y 1" shows a little table with a 75 in it, you're good).
2. apt install a bunch of python3 libs for i2c and rpi development (python3-rpi.gpio, python3-smbus, python3-setuptools)
3. clone the github repo for led-shim into ~/Pimoroni/led-shim
4. run the led-shim installer script
5. apt install any bits you missed (think I got them all above)
6. reboot for great glory”
“ordered rather quickly without reading, just needed a board with some leds for notifications, however when this arrived not only were the leds tiny, the board was too and doesnt need soldering. Best bit is the leds are red green blue meaning it can be programmed to display any colour. All the software you need is easily downloaded and installed with a couple of commands and can be up and running in minutes, this is what i love about pimoroni products. next it comes with a huge library of examples to get you started, another great product from the ninjas, pirates, monkeys and not forgetting the robots.”
“I enjoy soldering, but the ability to just press fit this shim makes it much more convenient and suits the shim format, making it a much cleaner, neater board to use. The LEDs are super bright and, even with a basic knowledge of Python, quite easy to program for simple tasks. Plus, 28 RGB LEDs for this price is a bargain.”