“Bought this along with some other bits. Love it! Playing with the example for the minute, the CPU and Memory ones didn't work at first because they need psutils
Installing via apt-get doesn't work you'll need to do:
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip
sudo pip install psutil
sudo python -c "import psutil"
If I can do it anyone can.”
“This is by far one of the easiest to use addressable RGB LED setups I've seen.
First - the I2c setup means it doesn't use many pins and the example code and libraries are brilliant. None of the faff associated with the WS2812's. No level shifting required.
Second - the friction fit requires no soldering and unlike other hat types, being a shim, the gpio pins are still available for other purposes.
Third - the tiny size and positioning of these 24 LED's mean they look great. And it's rigid, instead of trying to get LED strips to stick (and stay stuck) on the robots.
I am really very impressed by this tiny board.”
“Pros: Oooh, pretty! And for 28 RGB LEDs, it's really cheap, even if they are tiny. Also it's easy to fit - just push onto the pins. Very nice!
Cons: The LEDs are really tiny, no mood light projects with this widget. The push-fit joints might not be too reliable if the Pi will be jiggling about. Install script only works on Raspbian (and variants).
I wrote up how to fix that last one ... http://projectarc.co.uk/grav/fingers-in-many-pis/pimoroni-led-shim-on-kali-linux”
“Nice bit of kit. Just about squeezes between the layers of a Pibow case although it's tight and bends slightly so don't overtighten the nuts on the case - as another reviewer says, a little bit of cutting of the case would give it that last bit of room.
I have this running as an air quality display with a BME680 Breakout on top, working nicely, the 28 LEDs give a good horizontal range for a graph and you have all the colours to play with too.
Not having to solder it avoids issues with shorter header pins, as unless you're really neat and very sparing with the solder on shims it can reduce how far the pins can go into pHAT sockets on top unless you use a header with longer pins. Having said that, I have a Button SHIM soldered on another Pi Zero W with the normal length header and a Unicorn pHAT on top of that and it makes sufficient contact without a problem.”