“Supper bit of kit for anyone tired of waiting.... ever.... so.... long.... for even the shortest string to scroll across a 5 by 5 matrix. As with all of these though, once it's on, there is no access to other pins.”
“So far I have not found any problems with the board itself. However, when using the full scrollbit library to create a fairly simple maze game, I kept getting memory errors, which is a common problem with Microbits running MicroPython. Since I was using just 4 functions from the scrollbit library, I stripped out all the
functions I was not using and save it as "futz.py" and did a "from futz import *" in place of "import scrollbit" and I found my program would compile and run w/o any more memory errors. My program also imported the full "microbit" library module and the full "random" library. The four functions from scrollbit that my maze game uses are set_pixel(), get_pixel(), show() and clear(). I'd be willing to donate this game if you like. Let me know.”
“Really easy to use. Only just started to use the micro:bits but they seem super easy and, with this sort of kit really versatile. Gave it to a student to play with and they were really excited to see what they could achieve.”
“This is a great little add on for the BBC Microbit.
Adds a lot of flexibility to displaying text, graphics etc on the Microbit.
Highly recommended.
5 Stars”