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pHAT Stack Fully Assembled Kit Reviews

4.9 Rating 18 Reviews
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Anthony Cunningham
Unverified Reviewer
If you've been playing around with Raspberry Pi boards for any length of time the chances are you've collected a few expansion boards (Hats). It would be nice to be able to connect more than one at a time to your Pi and use them side by side or simply not have to unplug one board from your Pi when you want to use another one. That's where the Phat Stack comes in. Like the bus board systems for earlier computers it lets you install multiple boards on the samePi. I bought the soldering kit and put it together in a few minutes. If you don't like soldering you can get one fully assembled for a couple of extra quid. Once done you connect it to your Pi and plug in your pHats and Hats. Pimoroni have a great console tool for installing the pHat/Hat software for all your boards and the pinout website allows you to see which boards will work together. This is a great tool for anyone with more than one Hat in their collection and I'm only surprised it was thought of sooner. Recommended.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
The (p)HAT Stack is extremely useful when you need to use multiple HATs in a project. It's very easy to use and the stack configurator works fine for me. If you like using HATs, you should probably get this stack!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago