“So I'm not an expert in any regard. Anything that lets me avoid using a soldering iron is a positive in my book. This is great. I've whack a pitft and a joy bonnet on here, bolted the pi to the back and i've got a little handheld pico-8 machine. And I've got space to spare for the keyboard hat that (please please please) will one day exist.
Really robust. Well made and I love pimoroni's style. Fantastic product.”
“Exactly what I had been after as an owner of several HATs. Perfect for being able to see which ones you can use together in different projects. I plan to use this to combine the Touch pHAT with the Inky pHAT and Inky wHAT for example, or to trigger different effects on the Unicorn HAT HD.
If you want to mix and match your HATs, this is the product for you! Spend a few extra ££ to get the fully assembled version and note that the cable that goes into the GPIO pins needs to go across the Pi's body, not the way that you might think - which results in the cable being connected upside down.”
“Great product, and fast delivery. No complains about the product. However, it did take me a while to figure out that you had to connect it with the cable crossing the pi (white part of the cable closest to the usb ports on pi 2). Luckily, no fried hats due to connecting it wrong. An included connection picture would have helped.
This also caused some problems as I wanted one connection to a t-cobbler, with the cable in the other direction, putting the breakout board on top of the connected hat. Moral of the story: great product, but check your cables.”
“great tool /product ,so many options on hats to use ,one of my uses ,thanks for another great product
“For someone like me, who have a lot of pHATs, this is a great product.
I use mine with a Raspberry Pi Zero W (with female header), a Touch pHAT, a Enviro pHAT, a Scroll pHAT HD and a Blinkt for a really neat weather setup (still place for one more).
It's very well made and pretty robust, mine is screwed to a wooden rack.
The "experimental pHAT Stack configurator" is very useful too.
Another great one from Pimoroni!”