“I've ordered two of these nice little shims, together with the stackable 2x20 GPIO female 11mm headers. This way, I can stack a Blinkt! pHAT on top.
Soldering went quick, albeit you need a small iron as otherwise you will melt the button plastic as there isn't much space between the soldering pads for the header and the buttons. Make sure to solder more than just the first 2x3 pins, as there seems to be at last a ground connection to one of the other GND pins, other than in the topmost 2x3 block, as documented. The RGB LED is a really nice bonus, especially for button press feedback.
The minor complaint I have is not with the Burton shim itself, but with the 11mm stackable 2x20 female GPIO headers that Pimoroni offers. These are great for pHATs that need the height for proper clearance. But for a shim like the Button shim a lower stackable header would be much better, with 6-8mm pins at most.
Anyway, the Button shim in itself is 5 stars for me.”