“This is easy and fun to program. I use it for my home pihole to does stats and updates every ten minutes. High contrast, still readable in sunlight on the table next to the window. I'll eventually build a fancy box for it, but it's just a hat for now.”
“Fits a Raspberry PI Zero perfectly and has a suite of libraries that work out the box. Takes about 15 seconds to do a full "render" of an image with colour.”
“This little display is a perfect addition to the raspberry pi zero. I'm amazed with the image quality it offers. The setup is fairly straightforward and to be done without any further insights in coding. The documentation is really useful. I'm using it do display regularly updated weather information. The little display just looks gorgeous in the sun.”
“I was surprised just how easy it was to use thanks to the inky library. The red colour is a little darker than I expected, but its a great little low power display.”