“Love it - It's currently neatly mounted to a Pi Zero in my kitchen, displaying the current/upcoming 'Octopus agile' energy tarriffs which change every 30 minutes. The screen's low energy use means it will run from a battery for a long time. The only issue wasn't the inky pHAT it was that the pi zero didn't have GPIO pins. I had to order some solder-free hammer-in pins so I could connect things together.”
“Got it up and running quickly and without hassle. The documentation and examples are really good. Got mine showing the weather from my weather station connected to another rpi outside the house. Fun little project!
It didn't sit well on the pins when connected directly to the rpi but was fine when I used a ribbon cable. No idea why this was. Pimoroni support was helpful when trying to resolve this issue.”
“This is a fun little board. I don't even have a project planned for it I just wanted to play around with it and I'll figure out something afterwards. The online documentation is fairly clear so it makes a fun project that doesn't need a high skill level to use it.”
“Brilliant piece of kit and easy to write images to. Yes the refresh is slow for red/yellow (15 seconds or so) and about 2 seconds or so for black. This is not a problem for my application, where data's updated every 6 minutes or so.
I have black, red and yellow version for experiments. When compared with each other the red and yellow devices have a very light background colouration (very light pink and very light yellow) caused by the colour elements I guess but this is only noticeable when you compare devices side-by-side.
Interestingly though, although all my devices are the higher resolution of 250x122 pixels, and although the device reports itself as 250x122 it seems that the bottom two rows of pixels (or top row if you've flipped the image) are not visible. I can address all the pixels but the two bottom (or top?) rows are not visible. So the device actually only displays 250 x 120 pixels. Just in case you actually expect to use the advertised resolution - you appear to be 2 pixels short.
Can someone at Pimoroni confirm this behaviour? i.e. you can only see 250 x 120 pixels?”
“An excellent product that worked perfectly and was well described on the website. I did break it - don't panic though, this was entirely through me being dumb and attempting a modification involving a hacksaw blade that I didn't know enough about to do safely (don't ask!) RIP my red&white inky pHAT that I brutally murdered. Sorry everyone.”