“easy to wire up, (only uses a few pins of the 40 way connector). the code is easy to run and edit, works a treat.
I'm using this to create a light field for a microscope.”
“This is an excellent item with really bright LEDs - good job you can turn the brightness down! The 7*17 array of LEDs is great for scrolling messages, especially if you keep the scroll rate fairly fast. I'm using the Scroll pHAT HD on a slower Raspberry Pi zero so I reduced the sleep delay in the example code to speed up the scroll. I guess on the full Pi you wouldn't need to do that. The Python library is easy to use, and the examples given are really good for showing you how to program it. I was really surprised to find that you can combine a static border with a scrolling centre area if you want. My only criticism is that I wanted to use the Scroll pHAT HD for a clock display which you can do but the letters are a little narrow and hard to read. Just a few more columns (say to 21*7) would mean easier to read characters.”
“Extremely easy to use with the PiMoroni libraries, and *very* bright. I had hammer headers but ended up just soldering the pins; it was quick and easy. I would prefer if they made a higher resolution version as well, with more lights in the grid; this would make text more legible.”