“Well packaged kit for young children to learn the programming. I helped soldering, but a 5-6 years old can perfectly assemble everything else together. Had great fun time with this when hooding up with API and voice services.
Examples provided are fully working and really easy to follow - great kick start to build complex larger projects.”
“Awesome little kit to get started with scrolling on a PWM LED matrix.
I used it for getting Cryptocurrencies price. You can see the assembled project here:
“Great kit, with easy installation and good examples to get going. Only thing I notice is that the little bot rests on the Pi zero itself on the back, instead of the plastic legs. Could be I set it up wrong, or it could be that the Hammer headers are taller than the soldered headers. In any case, it doesn't impact the function.”
“really cool project, easy to build, nice design.
the less cool thing: as the notice was not included, my bf stumbled upon the price when looking for it online.
the more cool thing: the Christmas Critter gift I received along with my order. best surprise ever, really cool to discover electronics with children.”