“Bought in a sale just for tinkering with. Great fun for learning and experimenting - has lots of useful inputs and outputs and excellent software support.”
“La seule limite est notre imagination ! Autant de capteurs et afficheurs sur une si petite surface, c'est fantastique ! Et encore des connecteurs pour en ajouter quelques-uns ! Le seul petit regret : je n'ai pas trouvé dans les exemples un script qui affiche la pression atmosphérique en utilisant les LEDs multicolores qui sont pourtant déjà réparties sur une échelle de pressions de 970 à 1030hPa. Alors c'est un bon objectif à atteindre !”
“Very quick delivery from Pimoroni.
The rainbowhat is full of different sensor and visual displays(alphanumeric,LEDs).
Also sound facilities, although I found the piezo speaker sound very low but it could be my hearing.
One word of advice to anyone who want to use it, do make use of the standoff to avoid shorting the board.
Definitely one of the best hat I have purchased”
“I like the board a lot, but where is the schematic?
Also, use the apa102, it seems that the data has to be sent over SPI, twice before the leds behave correctly. Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?
I've tried using multiple examples from github, but none of them seem to work correctly unless the data is sent to the leds twice in a row.”