“These beautifully designed matrices fit perfectly in any retro or cyberpunk project. Display them in all their glory, with the red or green traces showing how each row and column is hooked up. Or add a diffuser (like the one that comes with the Scroll pHAT Message Kit) to hide the pattern, and smooth out the graphics.
You'll have to solder 118 pins for a fully decked out Dot Micro pHAT, but it's easy enough if you follow along with the steps in the assembly guide, and the result is definitely worth the effort.
Communicating with the IS31FL3730 driver chips over I2C is effortless with Pimoroni's Python library, with plenty of examples that'll have you scrolling the lyrics to the Bilge Tank song in no time. Pimoroni cleverly skipped the I2C address used by the Scroll pHAT, which means you can connect a Dot Micro pHAT and Scroll pHAT (or any other I2C device that doesn't use 0x61, 0x62 or 0x63) at the same time!”