“I'm using one of these with a Zero W and a ScrollPhatHD to display messages at work and wear it as a badge with 2500 mAh lipo as it has a more compact profile and form.When it comes to soldering I have to admit I'm a bit of a NInja and a total perfectionist (no I don't want a job soldering - that's what machines are for) so getting this very thin little power board the fit on the male headers with the ScrollPhatHD on top using female headers was no problem and resulted in a very secure fit.”
“I love all its features so I bought it without 2nd thought.
I have been thinking if I should solder it directly or to the 2x4 female header for quite sometime. Ideally, I solder it directly, then stack a pHat DAC (on another 11mm header), then stack a Touch pHat. The problem is I cannot find a case to accommodate it, even w/o the DAC.
Any plan to further modify PiBow so that it can accommodate a directly soldered Zero LiPo will be very very very good.”
“This is a great piece of kit - you can either solder the board directly to the Pi's GPIO (like I did) or attach female headers that you can pop onto the Pi's headers if you want to remove it later on.
I've also soldered a switch to the board, so that I can turn it on and off... well, at a flick of a switch!
This makes a battery powered, yet compact, Raspberry Pi!”
“I need for my RPI3 occassionaly more than the 1.5 A deliverable by the Zero lipo.
Pity, but - I now need to look further for a 2.4A power source LiPo and perhapps for a 12V
car battery for much longer power requirements. A battery low detection is a must!
Any help with this would be most welcome”
“When I first saw this thingy, I ordered it right away. And now it's working perfectly well with my Pi Zero.
I soldered it directly to the Pi's pins and experienced one little design flaw: The nearer big capacitor prevents ribbon cables to fit on the pins, because the plastic nose will bump against it.
I'd like to have the same board with an I2C-ADC to monitor the voltage and probably a charging circuit on it. But BAT+ is broken out, so I guess I can achieve this on my own.
There is a little typo: Battery warning assets GPIO #4 low, it's high > 3.4V
One more thing: I'd love to have the schematics and pcb layout of this thing. Thanks!”
“If you're already using items like the Adafruit Powerboosts to power your Pi but become annoyed with how to attach it to your Pi Zero, then this is what you're looking for. You can solder this directly on to the Pi header pins and still fix a HAT or pHAT on top. The soldering is a little tricky - be careful not to touch any of the components on the ZeroLipo with the tip of the soldering iron. Also make sure that you don't get too much solder spread along and up the pins themselves as this may prevent you seating a HAT on top afterwards. Keep the tip of the soldering iron on the hole until it's nice and hot and then carefully introduce the solder - this way the solder should pool only around the pin.”