“I bought it to put a camera on my Makeblock Mbot Ranger and will try to configure it so it will keep an eye on the cats. To see what they are up to while I work.”
“Does what it promises, but some small remarks :
I had to scrape a bit of my camera holder parts as it just didn't fit my raspberry camera (v1. 3) out of the box, but that could be related to the camera also. A bit more space however would have been nice.
The python samples do work to check if the pan tilt functions are working, but don't offer much more. Some real life samples (like moving up or down using keys for instance) would have given added value here. Nothing you can't find on Google, but for non experienced users it eases the start up phase.
Apart from that as everything as expected. But take into consideration these are stepper motors so they are by nature not supersmooth nor supersilent.”
“A very nice bit of kit. The Pan Tilt Hat makes life a lot easier as it does all the PWM magic for you. All you need to do is some simple Python code to get it going. The hat also makes a nice sturdy base for the Pan Tilt mechanism. I put mine on a Pi 3A+ for a nice small setup. I'm going to run mine headless as a Motion Eye camera setup. Motion Eye now has support in it for the Pimoroni Pant Tilt Hat. =)”