“Like Tom Mikic mentioned: the temperature is off because of the Pi's temperature. Inside I get about 5-7C more and outside almost 10C more. (Currently I have realistic 0C outside and the pHAT records 10+C.)
I use a PiZero and I thought the temperature would not be that much. I will have to use cables to connect the two to get some distance.
It is my first attempt to get into the IoT and it is very easy, almost plug&play.
Would give 5 starts without the issues about the wrong temperature reading.”
“Bought this to demonstrate the possibilities of Pi Zero to a new U3A group. After a little bit of soldering and downloading the python libraries it worked first time. Excellent !!
I have written a simple Clock and Tide Predictor display using Processing. I can now add graphs showing changes in temperature and pressure, and also add a compass. I live by the sea so not only a reasonable demo project but useful for deciding the best time to go for a walk on the sand dunes.
It would be nice to have a Processing sketch in addition to Python for accessing the Hat.”
“The baro/temp sensor is a good target to read periodically with a python script and saving it to a sqlite database. Daemoning the script to make it work in background can be a good programming project.
In the other hand, the motion and light sensors are great for tilting the Zero if we want to make something in a specific moment. I can shake the pi to read current altitude (Based on atmosferic pressure) or blink the lights when heading to north (Based on magnetometer).
Sadly, the temperature readings are affected by the own pi heat, so readings aren't a reliable value of air temperature.
That pHat is cheap and a good toy for many many hours of playing.”
“I used the document: getting-started-with-enviro-phat to see how to get the machine installed. I installed both hardware and software on a pi A+ and everything went smoothly. Setup and run was very easy. Next I attempted to install the software on a pi-zero. There I had a bit of trouble. The default keyboard configuration on Jessie Lite would not produce the "pipe" symbol on my keyboard. A bit of work on the keyboard configuration (raspi-config) solved that problem.
I am very happy with this hunk of hardware and have already recommended it to my relatives.”
“WOW! How much cool stuff can you pack onto a Zero-sized add-on board? If you're a Pimoroni pirate, LOADS!
I'm not sure if you could find a 'serious' use for the board that uses it's full potential, but it's a great way for someone new to Python to see how easy it is to include sensors in their code.
So far, in one afternoon, I've written (very simple) code to:
record ambient temperature and air pressure at 10 minute intervals;
simulate a compass, using the motion sensor and 8 leds;
and, with a Blinkt module and EnviroPhat attached to a Mini Black Hat Hack3r, read the colour of Lego bricks and display them on the Blinkt leds.
Oh, and I've been coding with Python for about 3 months, so I'm really new to it!
I hope to buy some of these for my son's primary school, as I think the range of sensors could really inspire kids to create some very interesting and fun projects.
And, as always, they look lovely.”
“Really easy to get up and running. I've set this up on a Pi Zero to monitor light levels and send it to IFTTT. Once I've got plenty of data, I'll then get it to switch lights on in my house when it's a bit dull.
It's very easy to get the sensor values back from the EnviropHAT.”