“Wonderfully retro and everything in package! Soldered a 90-degree header on it, and I have an office air quality station now. Red backlight means open the window and can be seen from far away; thresholds are customizable with the buttons, etc.”
“Bought to replace an older "Display-o-Tron 3000" for a project where convenient access to extra GPIOs was required.
The extra backlight LEDs in the dotHAT (over the dot3k) makes the display better in the dark.
The capacative keys work well, although the screen gets in the way of accessing the [up] and [down] pads which are immediately to the left of the display.”
“Excellent bit of kit for tinkering. I used the DOT Hat to control the Phillips Hue Lighting system at home. Currently looking to move the project to run on a Pi Zero and build a custom case for it.”
“Great little display, even better is the ongoing support and python library! :D
With a little tinkering I turned it into an airplay music visualiser:
“Fantastic device, the ability to be able to set the 6 individual zones of the LCD to different colours is really useful, also the built in white bar-graph is insanely bright which is really useful. My only comment would be that the touch-sensitive buttons are a little close to the edge, a bit more space around them would be handy for the fat-fingered amongst us.”