“Great for blinky flashy fun! This was great for my first time using a raspberry pi. It is very easy to use and the documentation was helpful... once I figured out I should be quite firm when attaching it to the pi.”
“One question to the pimoroni people or someone, who knows: Is it possible to connect 2 or 3 of the Unicorn HATs to one Raspberry and control them independently? If so, how would i do this? I suppose using PWM1 on BCM 13 and PWM0 on BCM 12 additionally could be a solution, am i right?”
“Really really bright. Insanely bright. As in - I'm working on an alarm clock using it because it really is that bright.
Make sure to use a beefy PSU and thick USB cable (24/28 AWG works really well) because it can cause a substantial voltage drop over the USB cable at high brightness!
Python library is good as always.”
“Purchased the Unicorn Hat after having fun with the Unicorn pHat I received as a gift. I can't get enough of it, it's great learning the code with a bright, colourful and interesting output for your work so you can see fruits of your labours.
Buy the Unicorn Hat, it's awesome”