“The Kitronik starterkit is a good way to get the kids started with inventing new things. The tutorial book shows a lot of different experiments which will help the kids to get to learn about programming, basic electronics and input – output system. After going through the experiments they go and make their own inventions.
De kitronik Starterkit is een perfect begin voor jonge uitvinders. Het uitlegboekje dat er bij zit (Engels) heeft 10 experimenten waarin kinderen stap uitgelegd krijgen hoe de input en output systemen werken. Hierna kunnen ze aan de slag om zelf uitvindingen te doen.
Nederlandse instructie op (dutch tutorials) http://meesterharald.yurls.net/nl/page/1027684
Levering is snel en goed”
“I’ve ordered the Micro:bits a few times at Pimoroni.com. Most times they've got them on stock. Delivery is fast and shipping prices to the Netherlands are reasonable. There are loads of extra things to combine with the Microbit.
Ik heb de Micro:bits nu een paar keer hier besteld. Vaak zijn ze hier wel op voorraad. De levering is snel en voordelig. Er zijn veel leuke andere dingen te bestellen die je bij de Micro:bit kunt gebruiken.”
“Well done from PIMORONI !
On time delivery (even around the black Friday) of : micro:bit complete starter kit + power board for the micro:bit + 3 ports USB Ethernet hub.
Excellent packaging.”
“Having been priveleged enough to get my hands on one of these devices a couple of months ago from an education faire, little did I realise the potential of such a device. You might assume that the market is full of such devices, particularly with the Raspberry Pi. But I have quickly learned that while the raspberry Pi is for the maker, the MicroBit allows quick access to electronics for youngsters. This becomes apparent if you consider the potential complexity with an alternative device, I.e. Installing an operating system.
The MicroBit meets its brief by simply being a microcontroller which you may write a program for with little or no prior programming knowledge and get making. This is thanks to MicroBits dedicated website which has numerous development environments, such as a block-based editor (a step up from Scratch) or the well known Python.
You might also presume that such a device would be limited - or at least I did. That was until upon further inspection you could find out that this device will allow interaction with other breakouts and devices such as Adafruit's NeoPixels (also avaliable from Pimoroni). With a chip such as Atmel's SAMD21, this little gadget can be turned into just about anything, all you need is the imagination to do so.”