“I love how easy it is to get it to be something different, from a shake it die, to the classic Tory Story 8 ball, via a step calculator, distance walked, compass and it goes on and on. They were done from existing code modules. Can't wait to sort out the various things keeping me busy, to actually start seeing how they, the Pi and Arduino can talk to each other and maybe producing my own code from scratch (oops I mean Micro Python!! ;-) )”
“Careful and make sure you know you are buying a v1 and not a v2 or vice-versa. I was thinking that I was buying v2 and got a v1. But as a first experience, is perfectly fine.
One of the three devices I bought turned to Maintenance mode and I do not find a way of solving this; but micro:bit are looking into it. So great for that too.”