“A great book, with nice illustrations and easy to read code to input. I usually make projects using a BBC microbit, so I picked up a copy hoping it would fill in some blanks I had about the Pico and it has done exactly that. It got me up and running fast. The chapter at the end about running the system standalone (with no USB connection to a machine) is especially neat. Would recommend!”
“Splendid book. Sufficiently comprehensive for the newcomer and enough detail to help the more seasoned user get to grips with the software. A good manual is helpful to everybody, in the form of worked examples that aid the newbie and”
“Great introduction to the newly launched Pico board which now allows to have a very small development board that can be programmed with a subset of python (micropython) instead of using C/C++. Much more flexible and accessible. The hardware is also quite powerful and it has a myriad of connections. You can even buy a spool of Pico boards!”