“Looks good, easy to use on the breadboard with the "SparkFun Rotary Encoder Breakout - Illuminated" (which also serves as documentation for the pin-out (which I couldn't workout from the datasheet.”
“These look nice - BUT are a pain to work with without buying also the breakout board due to the pin sizes; and then you'll want the larger dial to fit on top as well.
Don't forget current limiting resisters - I've broken a couple of the LEDs in my rotary encoders already!
(Also don't forget pull-down on the switch, and pull-ups on the encoder A&B pins)”
“Adafruit decided to cut costs by making one board that fits 2 rotary encoders. However, due to this cost-cutting this breakout board might not be usable on your breadboard - the 2 headers are 25.4mm apart, meaning that you need a large breadboard in order to fit it (2x 5 rows is too small). Make sure you put the rotary encoder on the right side. It's nearly to impossible to remove the rotary encoder should you accidentally solder it on the wrong side. The board has limited usability if you already have the rotary encoder. if you haven't ordered the rotary encoder yet and need the breadboard compatibility, consider searching another encoder. I feel like the £3 is too much for a small PCB that is needlessly large and complicated.”
“Great product, works great. I would recommend getting the Duppa I2C Encoder PCBs with it and it runs really smoothly, especially when these are not breadboard friendly.”