“Bought this after using the smaller version that impressed me greatly with its build quality and performance. The 1.2m version is working very well given it's almost horizontal in the loft. Can't wait to get it on the roof but when will you get more stock of the 8m antenna cables?”
“Not as well made as FlightAware aerial particularly the mounting equipment. However it's perfectly fine and works well. I stuck mine on top of a 3m 1.5" aluminium pole (Toolstation) and it looks quite serious.”
“When I recently started monitoring ADS-B transmissions using a raspi with the PiAware software I used a small indoor antenna. It was ok, but range was limited and I noticed a number of black spots around my house - some even quite near. I bought the ADS-B 1090 MHz Antenna from Pimoroni and mounted it in my loft. My reception has increased dramatically, both in terms of range (very ocasionally in excess of 200nm) and local coverage. Highly recommended.”
“I was e-mailed for a review of this recent purchase, so I will provide some feedback. I was already using FlightAware's own ADS-B antenna, which is about a two-foot tall vertical, in a trial PiAware setup for a little over a week when I obtained this 1.2m vertical. Since I was looking for a true apples-to-apples comparison, I kept all other equipment the same as I swapped in the 1.2m vertical (same coax cable, same SDR dongle, same USB cable, et cetera). I also took care that the base of the 1.2m vertical was in the exact same location. Unfortunately, over the next week there was about a 20% reduction in reported aircraft and a one-third drop in reported positions as compared to my earlier antenna.
As a result of this experiment my "permanent" ADS-B setup has reverted to the shorter FlightAware-branded antenna. I have kept the 1.2m model as a backup, or possibly for adding PiAware at another site. I freely concede that my experience with this antenna may be an outlier, but I feel that the full week of data collection demonstrated that the hardware I received was underperforming the antenna I already had.”
“Very solidly made but not too heavy and painted a discrete grey. Excellent performance. I've made my own mount for it using two stainless steel tubes. One tube is fitted permanently to the bike rack of my campervan. The other tube slides inside this and carries the antenna. The aim is to be able to quickly mount the antenna when I arrive at a location.”