“Neat little cameras. Very small sensor module at the end of the flex PCB, great for small custom enclosures.
The resolution is over 1920 square, so you can retrieve a 1920x1080 video stream which ever way round the camera is mounted.”
“Moving the majority of components to sit on the ribbon cable instead of around the lens makes this version of the camera very flexible (no pun intended) for fitting inside enclosures. For absolute beginners, who I was teaching, it is very simple to attach to the RPi (if you can get the connector clip open without damage, of course).”
“The ZeroCam is very good for the money. I am using it to take pictures of a chess board. The pictures are 540 x 540 centred and cropped to half the field of view. The colours of the board and pieces are reasonably accurate. I had to turn the exposure compensation up one stop to get the dark green squares to show up well against the black pieces. The ZeroCam takes just over half a second to take a picture (when connected to a Raspberry Pi Zero W) in bright light. Getting about 250 K bytes across 2.4 GHz WiFi can take more than twice that in my location. I may go over to wired Ethernet. My program is recognising the pieces reliably, so that is the main limitation at the moment.”
“It's far from a top quality camera but you expect that at the price.
It's great for motion detection and to identify objects and it's really tiny so it's easy to hide away into your build.”