“It works and it's good value. Well packaged and delivered, decent capacity. More suited - combined with a Pi Pico W - to uses with one/two days autonomy than weeks and weeks, but YMMV obviously.”
“Being a Cell and Battery specialist for most of my life, I am really pleased that this LiPo Battery pack has the over-discharge protection built-in. The quickest way to 'kill' a LiPo Battery is to over-discharge it and if this is done, it can become both impossible to recharge and dangerous.
I would really suggest that if you are going to use LiPo's to power your products, you make sure that it has built-in protection as the Pimoroni products do.
“I got this LiPo battery for my Badger 2040 Badge. It is much better than the original twin AAA cell device that came with the Badger. I have 3D printed the back for the Badger and the LiPo now fits inside and makes it completely self contained.
It comes c/w a built in over discharge detector which is brilliant.
Can really recommend getting this typeof cell if you buy a Badger 2040.