“A great Pi4 case. It's easy to put together and looks smart. It provides easy access to USB, power, HDMI and GPIO pins. Most impressively it has reduced the average temperature of the CPU from being around 75c, when used with the official Pi4 case, to below 55c at all times and removed any previous heat based CPU throttling I experienced while the built in fan is rarely called into action.”
“Highest quality and weighty aluminium case. Cools an overclocked Pi 4 with ease. Thermal pads attach to the CPU and the RAM and the case acts as a heatsink. The power button and the cooling fan are configured by running scripts. All of the ports are on the back of the case which allows for a tidy setup. The case converts the 2 micro-HDMI ports on the Pi 4 to 2 full sized HDMI ports, allows easy access to the micro-SD card, includes an iR receiver and has a removable magnetic panel to give easy access to the GPIO pins. Thoroughly recommended.”
“Hands down, this is the best case you can have for your Raspberry Pi 4.
I use my Raspberry as a game console for retro gaming, it is so nice to have all the wires on the back, makes the console look very sleek and smart.
Standard HDMI size ports give me much more flexibility.
Passive and Active heating work a treat, previously I had a cheap case which always had the fan on full, it was very noisy. The new cooling method alters the fan speed, keeping it quiet until needed. This massively improved my gaming experience.
The power button is my new favorite tool. It's very handy to have extra controls especially if the system freezes, and not having to worry about damaging the system because you pulled the power. The button allows for various modes, such as power on, soft shutdown, restart, or hard shutdown. The button also allows me to switch off the console without having to press the button after.
I wish I has invested into Argon ONE case from day 1. Nevertheless, I will never choose any other case. Argon ONE is the god of all Raspberry Pi 4 cases.”