“This is getting a bit old, with a USB 2 connection to the Raspberry Pi, but these are very durable. This, the micro B version, matches the Pi Pico. It is a perfect fit to that niche. A version with a USB-C input feels a little flawed — that needs more attention to power levels — but this and its cousin would suit the still simple classroom. I am enough of a maker to see the looming problems in going past this level.
And Pi Moroni are people you can trust. That matters too.”
“Still having difficulty maintaining the stable Ethernet connection using this with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2. Troubleshooting has led to ensuring the WLAN was not cofigured but after installation of further software the problems reoccurred”
“I bought the Ethernet hub to use with my MMDVM Hotspot which uses a RPI Zero 2 W rather than use Wi-Fi. It works great... I plugged it in and then booted up the Hotspot. The adapter was found without having to configure anything. The only thing I did change was to disable Wi-Fi within the pi-star App afterwards. It even has Blue LED's that are visible through the case so you know it's plugged in and active. I haven't found anything not to love after using it for several weeks.”
“Excellent. Plugged in internet network lead, USB mouse and keyboard. Plugged hub into Pi Zero 2. Booted up. Voila! All worked first time. Thankyou Pimoroni!”
“Tried different ones, and this USB hub is definitively the best for Pi Zero. Very fast connection and each device has his own MAC address which in not the case with other brands.”