“I already had an Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 TFT. I bought the ESP32-S3 version because of the processors enhanced features. Initially I wrote the following: "What I less like is that when compiling/building and uploading a sketch using the Arduino IDE V2.3.4, I first have to put the Feather into download mode, then, in the IDE, I have to switch COM port (I'm building on a deskt op pc using MS Windows 11 Pro. This switching of COM-Port and putting into download mode isn't necessary with other ESP32-S3 boards that I use, for example: a M5Stack M5Dial.". Disregard this part of my review. The problem I described had been caused by a wrong setting. After correcting this I now am able to compile and build Arduino sketches on this Feather ESP32-S3 TFT as I was used to S2 version and other board. I like this product. I am happy that I bought this board!”
“The demo Arduino code for the ESP32-S3 TFT is a good place to start when receiving this board. Check out https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Learning_System_Guides/blob/main/Factory_Tests/Feather_ESP32S2_TFT_FactoryTest/Feather_ESP32S2_TFT_FactoryTest.ino for the S2 code (works on S3) and make sure you install all the libs listed at the start of the code listing. I deleted the BME280 section as I don't have one fitted. The battery code can be changed to suit the battery size, open the Arduino lib folder and Adafruit_LC709203F.h and add a new line value for your battery size. My battery is 1200ma/h so the hex value is 0x1D taken from and calculated from a table in the datasheet. Will try Platformio next as the Arduino IDE takes a long time to compile and upload. Just make sure your USB 3 cable has data connections as a power-only USB 3 lead will not communicate with your chosen IDE. It has a very nice display on a compact board including intelligent battery backup. Buy some JST-SH cables for easy integration with your existing sensors or add some Adafruit sensor modules. Overall an excellent hardware platform with fast MCU and display, highly recommended.”
“A really neat little board, well made with plenty of connection possibilities. I was using it with CircuitPython and Adafruit provide an excellent getting started guide. Adding an i2c sensor such as a temperature and humidity board via a ‘no solder’ STEMMA/QT port is very easy. I used an AHT20 for temperature and humidity. The ADCs are more accurate than a Pi Pico, giving a reliable zero and far less ‘jitter’. I’ve posted some code to demonstrate how to make good use of the fast graphics on the bright and pixel packed screen. See here:
At the moment the CircuitPython 8 is still in Beta and there is still a good deal of work to be done on the WiFi and BLE support. I’m sure it will come fairly soon.
I’ve enjoyed ‘playing’ with this board which has plenty of easily available add-ons.”