Glyfos Gold glyphosate weed killer controls a wide range of grasses and broad-leaved weeds including Japanese Knotweed, Ivy, Brambles, Stinging Nettles, Common Couch Grass & more
This product has been discontinued. We suggest Crestler as an effective alternative.
New Envision® Technology to improve control of most annual / perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds.To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use.
Strong glyphosate weed killer
Key points:
Modern formulation Glyphosate with new Envision Technology to improve performance and speed of uptake in weeds
Envision Technology allows a uniform droplet size and includes new surfactants to allow more coverage of a weed leaf while giving greater penetration of problem weeds where a shiny, waxy surface would normally resist most pesticide sprays
Not classified as hazardous or an irritant to users
Suitable for aquatic weeds - subject to normal approvals from relevant regulatory bodies, e.g.: Environment Agency
Glyfos Gold is translocated from the treated leaves throughout the plant and to underground roots, rhizomes and stolons. Symptoms such as gradual wilting and yellowing of foliage are rapidly visible in grass weeds but are slower to appear in broad-leaved weeds
Glyfos Gold is inactivated in contact with the soil
Most perennial broad-leaved weeds are particularly susceptible to treatment when they are actively growing and shortly before flowering. Annual weeds should be growing actively at the time of treatment. Grasses should have at least 5 cm of growth. Broad-leaved weeds should have at least two sizeable true leaves
Application notes and guidance:
For best results a rain-free period of 6 hours (preferably 24 hours) is required after application
Treating weeds which are suffering from drought stress may result in reduced efficacy
Extreme care should be taken to avoid spray drift as this can severely damage or destroy neighbouring crops and plants
Under conditions of drought, flooding, frost or high temperatures, disease or insect damage or weeds heavily covered with dust, where plant growth is restricted the efficacy of this product will be reduce
Please note aquatic use is for enclosed waterways only e.g. ditches and streams
Recommended safety clothing / PPE as per the MSDS; coverall, chemical resistant gloves, eye protection, respiratory protection
Unit 3 Axis Park, Manasty Road,
Orton Southgate