Amvista Four Seasons Grass Seed is a specialist, multi-season seed that can germinate at low soil temperature levels Ideal for borderline seasonal sowings or short weather window opportunities Key benefits: Germinates and grows at low soil temperatures 5°C, 'normal' grass requires 8 - 12°C High endophyte levels means more durability, better rooting and disease resistance Durable surface giving excellent wear and tear qualities making it ideal for landscaping, sports turf, parks, play areas and lawns Fine leaved varieties retain a quality lawn apperance throughout the year. High resistance to Microdochium Patch (Fusarium) and Red Thread fungal diseases Seed mix: 30% Colosseum Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass (grows down to soil temps of 5 degrees) 30% Strong Creeping Red Fescue 10% Slender Creeping Red Fescue 20% Chewings Fescue 5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 5% Browntop Bent Seeding rate: On bare ground: 50 - 70 g/m2 Overseeding: Rate on thin areas 20 - 50 g/m2 Note: Not suitable for paddocks and grassland with grazing animals Learn More About Amvista Four Seasons Grass Seed Click the additional tabs at the top of this section (Application Rate, Label/SDS, Reviews) to reveal further information on this product.
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Unit 3 Axis Park, Manasty Road,
Orton Southgate