*Notice: THE RUBI-DW WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS BLADE* Market knowledge and hard work allow RUBI to offer the building professional the TURBO VIPER TVH diamond blade. The TURBO VIPER TVH diamond blade is recommended for cutting of hard materials such as granite rustic tiles klinker refractories slate and of course porcelain tiles. The specific design of the diamond rim of the TVH diamond blade by RUBI offers faster-cutting speed in the hardest materials without sacrificing the quality of the finish. This particular diamond blade combines all the good things in a TURBO blade with the benefits of a diamond blade specially designed to reduce cutting stresses and improve the quality of the finish. Like the vast majority of its diamond blades RUBI uses laser technology in the TVH to join the diamond rim to the steel core of the blade. Laser welding is the best guarantee of quality and safety in the production of diamond blades. Please Note:MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR USE ON 20MM PORCELAIN
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