“My daughter loves this pram. She loves the idea she can have a carry cot or seat and that it can face her or face outward. The only thing she sometimes struggles a little with is with the front wheels sometimes get a little stuck because of the angle but other than that it's the only pram she uses for her doll. We will probably be purchasing a bag, rain cover and parasol at some point. We have had lots of lovely comments about this pram by friends and family too.”
“Bought for my Granddaughter's 3rd Birthday. She loves it. Well made and converts easily from pram to pushchair. Bought accessory pack with it which is great. Also have to Susie doll which is really good with the pram. would definitely buy from here in the future.”
“Bought this for my granddaughter for Christmas so only had it out of the box to check it over. It looks lovely and I'm sure my 3 and half year old granddaughter will be thrilled with it. Ordering and delivery was spot on, ordered on Friday, delivered on Sunday and I was kept informed about the delivery process.”
“I have bought this for my daughter for Christmas, I’ve put it together and I love it. If she plays with it as much as I hope I will definitely be getting her the next size up.
Easy to push and sturdy, worth every penny”