“Disappointed for the price that this pram doesn’t have a proper clip buckle on the harness. Despite my daughter being almost 7 I think she will struggle with the D ring loop. The rest of the pram is good quality so seems a shame.”
“My daughter is 7 and has additional needs which means she is fixated on her babies and prams but is now too big for majority of the normal ones and even the ones advertised as being larger.
This one is fantastic! So nice and tall while being sturdy and still beautiful”
“Amazing pushchair for my granddaughters 4 birthday. She’s talk for her age and the buggy is perfect for her on the lower handle height but she’ll have many years of use by extending when needed. Beautifully made. I’d also like to mention how this company went above and beyond during the ordering process and after. I accidentally ordered the wrong colour buggy on a Sunday and they were kind enough to answer by email out of normal hours and promised to send me the correct one. They also emailed me to say that the pushchair was being reduced by £5 the following day and told me they would refund me the £5. Outstanding service. I’m now eyeing up the accessories for Christmas and my youngest granddaughter would also like one (possibly the double one) for her 5th birthday in December. Very happy customer.”
“Lovely pushchair nice size for my daughter who is 9, would definitely purchase from here again. My mum also brought the doll which was fabulous value one happy 9 yr old on her recent birthday”