“After looking around for a while for a sturdy pushchair for an 18month old, I was excited to find this one specifically designed for little people! Pushchair itself gets 5 stars - 18month old loves it and it's sturdy enough and the perfect size for her! But it didn't come Next Day so allow for that when ordering.”
“The pushchair is absolutely gorgeous, great value for the price, its such a sturdy wee pushchair, I bought this for my wee granddaughter, she's not seen it yet but she'll definitely love it,”
“This buggy is brilliant so much like a real buggy its almost identicle to my daughters buggy. My daughter is 18 months old and loves the buggy she loves pushing her baby in it. Thank you so much.”
“Bought this for my 1 year old grandaughters birthday with a view to her using it during the summer months when she is 18 months! however her brother, 4 years old absolutely loved it so a win win idea. thanks.”
“This has been purchased for our granddaughter's Christmas but I have to say am most impressed by the quality of the pushchair. Cannot wait to see her wee face on Christmas day”